Dr Mark Manley specialises in the areas of Strategy, Leadership and Transformation. He has developed a number of new processes that have been shown to be highly effective and consults internationally to large businesses, key governmental departments, FBOs and NGOs. Practically this involves facilitating high level processes, leading and speaking at seminars and conferences, conducting tutorials and individual leadership coaching.
Growth is the right of every individual and community, and that embracing change and personal transformation is a prerequisite of growth.
The rich diversity of people should be collaboratively harnessed into a powerful force for social, group and individual development.
Development should focus on the practical change of behaviour which is a result of exposure to new information that impacts on the beliefs, values, attitudes and thus behaviours of the learner. This is best brought about by establishing in an adult learning fashion the benefit of belief in, and behaviour towards a new way of doing things.
Relevant Experience:
Head of Management Development at Liberty Life Limited
Author of a number of papers in adult education and leadership
Designer of the Liberty Life MDP and BDP
Originator of Leader Centrism ©
Has facilitated over 1000 people through management and leadership development programmes
Dr Manley limits himself to 40 hours of one to one Leadership Coaching per month
Has facilitated close to 100 strategic planning conferences
Dr Manley's client list includes multi nationals, blue chip companies, large international NGOs, Government, and smaller organizations, right down to groups in previously disadvantaged communities.
Professional Qualifications:
Training Certification Programme through Productivity Development SA
Many business certification courses at various institutions
BA (Natal)
Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Natal)
Post Graduate Diploma in Communication Studies (Witwatersrand)
Masters Degree in Adult Education (Witwatersrand)
Interdisciplinary PhD (Business and Education) in focused on Leadership Development (Commonwealth)